# set backend = CUDA if you want to run on GPUs backend = CPU # set backend_precision = mixed for the best compromise between performance and numerical accuracy backend_precision = double max_backbone_force = 5 max_backbone_force_far = 10 # model and salt concentration (in molar) interaction_type = DNA2 salt_concentration = 1 # if no CUDA_device is specified, then oxDNA will try to find a suitable device to run on. #CUDA_device = 3 CUDA_list = verlet CUDA_sort_every = 0 # the next 5 options can be changed to improve performance use_edge = 1 edge_n_forces = 1 max_density_multiplier = 10 verlet_skin = 1.0 cells_auto_optimisation = true sim_type = MD steps = 1e6 T = 10C dt = 0.002 thermostat = langevin diff_coeff = 0.5 newtonian_steps = 103 reset_com_momentum = true refresh_vel = true # topology and initial configuration files conf_file = YOURFILE.oxdna topology = YOURFILE.top # set this to true to use a force-file (as given by some of the tacoxDNA tools) external_forces = false external_forces_file = YOURFILE.force # some output options trajectory_file = trajectory.dat energy_file = energy.dat restart_step_counter = true print_energy_every = 1e4 print_conf_interval = 1e5 time_scale = linear